A sports waist, cross-body bag, and handbag, could it get any better? This is you buying three bags for the price of one.
This dual-use bag means you can be a lady while going to the gym and still fit in when working out.
With its size and shape, you are assured of a bag that will take all your valuables with ease when going to burn some calories.
Even if you go to the gym on a daily basis, the resilient canvas material that the bag is made from will ensure the quality stays the same.
It comes in black colour meaning its neutrality will match any outfit you plan on wearing it with, be it tracksuits or shirts.
You have multiple options as regards carriage styles as the bag comes with an adjustable shoulder strap.
What’s more, there are FIVE zip pockets; more than enough room for your valuables. There’s even room for makeover kits should you decide to use them after working out.
There is nothing to worry about concerning laundry and washing as the surface material is wipe clean.
- Size:L30*W10*H19cm
- Colour: Black
- Material: Canvas
- Adjustable shoulder strap
- Five zip pockets
- Wipe clean